Random Thoughts on a Friday Lunch Break

I just ate lunch. I’m wrapping up my lunch break with a little brain dump.

One of the worst parts of the whole gastric bypass post-op/lifetime recovery is that after I eat I have to wait 60 minutes before I can take a drink. It’s been two minutes since I finished eating and I am dying for a glass of water right now. It’s going to be a long hour, kids. A long hour indeed.

One of the bird feeders I filled this morning is 2/3 empty right now. It’s been six hours. Calm down, birds. You’re going to be as fat as I used to be and you’re going to need stomach surgery like I did. You try flying when you weigh 452 pounds. I bet you can’t do it.

The next scheduled band practice is Sunday. I don’t know what we’re planning on focusing on, but I don’t care. I want to play loud. I haven’t played at all since the last practice, three weeks ago, because I am conducting a creativity experiment. Also because I am lazy, but the experiment is a thing. The 50 songs in 90 days challenge thingie starts next week (on the 4th of July). The last few years I have worked on some sort of writing/recording project just prior to the start of the 50/90. This year I wanted to avoid any attempts at writing anything in the hopes that maybe my hypothetical creativity reserve tank would fill itself up during the break. I don’t know if that’s a thing or not or is it just something I made up out of laziness. We’ll find out starting next Thursday, I guess.

The weather forecast at the ocean at sunrise tomorrow looks good. I was thinking of taking a camera or two to the coast and grabbing some sunrise shots. I mentioned it on threads and someone I don’t know in the real world sort of invited himself to join me… and now I don’t wanna go. No. No social interactions, please. Pretty please. I just want to be left alone, thank you. I’ll probably stay home and watch the blue jays inhale the bird seed at an alarming rate.

Hey, check it out. Next week is a four day work week thanks to the holiday on the 4th of July. The week after that is a three day week because I took two days off to celebrate my 20th work anniversary. One of those days will see me out shooting photos somewhere. The ocean, around my town, Boston… all of the above? I need to find more lighthouses. The one on Plum Island is the closest, but it’s kinda boring. It’s not even on the water. I’ll figure something out.


Uh oh… when I went to my Flickr account to grab the above photo I think I discovered that they have rewritten the album pages and I don’t think I like it. Sure, I have only spent about three seconds looking at it, but first impression is… uh oh.

Okay, back to work with you, Robert. 2.5ish hours left in the work week.

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