Sleep and Spoilers

I did something I rarely do. I let myself sleep late on a work day. Not too late, but later than usual.

The last few nights I have had the worst sleep. Barely five hours on Sunday and Monday nights. Less than five hours on Tuesday night. I was practically in a coma for much of the day yesterday. I needed sleep so badly.

Last night? Almost seven hours. Still not enough sleep, but so much more than I’ve been getting. Bliss. I usually set an alarm on my watch for 5:00am. Jen has an alarm set for a half an hour after that, but I am usually down cellar exercising before her alarm goes off.

Today? I slept until a little after 6:00. It meant I was running behind throughout my entire morning routine, but it was worth it. I’ll still probably be asleep on my feet by around 7:00pm tonight, but for now? I feel a little better.

Okay then, part two of this post is going to deal with Star Wars: The Acolyte and it is ABSOLUTELY SPOILER FILLED. If you haven’t watched the show, bail out now. I have two stupid comments that are burning a hole in my tiny little brain and I have to get them out and THEY ARE SPOILERS so you have been warned.

Seriously… if you want to watch the show and you haven’t yet, get out now.

You have been warned… again…

Last warning…

Okay. So this is the same comment made twice. Once is me being a snob, the other is me getting mine.

Before the show aired, people online were over the moon about Carrie-Anne Moss playing Jedi Master Indara. People who’ve read the High Republic books and/or comics were all excited about what a bad ass warrior Indara is and how viewers were going to be over the moon at how awesome she is. Also… it’s freakin’ Carrie-Anne Moss. People were foaming at the mouth over having such an awesome actor in the cast.

Episode one… the first scene… Carrie-Anne Moss as Jedi Master Indara in a lightsaber fight. This is it! Here it comes… oh… she’s dead… oh.

I laughed out loud knowing that the internet would be turned on its ear over that scene. People were going to be pissed and it made me happy. Screw your expectations! Take that, know it all book readers! I was just tickled.

Fast forward to episode five. The episode was awesome. They saved up a whole season’s worth of action scenes and threw them all in our face at once. Just fight after fight after fight. It was fantastic. When Jedi Padawan Jecki Lon started fighting our dark side bad guy, the action was incredible. I was watching on my laptop and I thought to myself, if they want to do a spin off show where this kid just fights everyone, I will be totally, 100% on board… oh… she’s dead… oh… I guess that’s what I get for laughing at the Indara fans… Okay… I totally got what was coming to me. Serves me right for being snobby about people being snobby. Lesson learned, Acolyte. Lesson learned.

Okay, the spoilers have ended. You may go on with the rest of your day now. Thanks for letting me get that off my chest. I appreciate your patience.

Fall of the House of Usher: Possible Spoilers, Maybe?

I just finished watching the new Mike Flanagan series on Netflix. The Fall of the House of Usher. Eight episodes, kinda based on Edgar Allen Poe stories and poems. I don’t think I am spoiling anything, but I can’t tell for sure. If you’re planning on watching it and you’re sensitive to spoilers then maybe now’s the time to stop reading this post.


Can I go on?


I have seen all of Flanagan’s Netflix shows. I haven’t seen anything else he did. House of Usher is better than Bly Manor. Probably better than Midnight Mass. Definitely better than Midnight Club, though that’s not a knock on Midnight Club, I enjoyed it very much. It’s not as good as Haunting of Hill House, but that’s because nothing is as good as Hill House. That show was amazing.

Like most of his shows, I watched up to the last episode thinking that I was enjoying the series and yadda yadda blah. Then you get to the finale and oh my god the horror genre show turns into this massively emotional roller coaster that you did not see coming, even though after five series we probably should see it coming.

My spoilerish comment here is that I teared up over Lenore. Nevermore.

Two Years and Seven Months

Two years and seven months ago today, at 5:30pm, my personal Covid-19 pandemic lock down began. 3/13/20 was our last day in the office. We are not particularly locked down at this point, but we’re pretty much still isolated. We’re going to stores, I’m visiting Mom regularly (and need to visit Dad more often), we’re just spending as much time as we can afford to away from everyone. We’re wearing masks and being good, virus-conscious humans.

I am so friggin’ sick of it. I miss my friends, I miss playing in the band, I miss my family. Granted, my step kids are both in Vermont so I would be missing them even without our personal lock down, but you get the point. I want to travel, though we can’t afford it, I want to do things.

I want to go to hockey games again. The Bruins won their opening game last night. They beat The Capitals 5-2. I listened to as much as I could on the radio. Probably not as much as I would have liked, but a nice chunk. UMass Lowell is currently 2-1, with all three games being non-conference games. They play in Michigan tonight and tomorrow, two more non-conference games. The first Hockey East games are next week. I have been able to catch at least a little of each game on the radio. I’m not sure if they cover road games on WUML Lowell 91.5 FM, but I think we’ll find out tonight. As for the kids’ school, University of Vermont… 0-4 with all games being in conference. Yeah… pretty grim. I haven’t tried to find them on the radio. It might not be worth it.

In closing, I watched She-Hulk while doing my walkies. Teeny Tiny Spoilers Ahead. It was season one episode nine, the first season finale. I did not realize that I so desperately needed to hear something like five seconds worth of Richard and Linda Thompson music in the MCU. I did need it though. I really, completely needed it. The episode was great, but at the end when they snuck in a few seconds of I Want to See the Bright Lights Tonight just made my fucking week. Props to K.E.V.I.N. and the gang.

Spoiler Avoidance

A new episode of Hawkeye came out yesterday. We haven’t watched it because Harry is coming home tonight and we want to watch it with him. Yesterday morning I started seeing a lot of social media accounts tied to cast members from the now cancelled Marvel Netflix shows posting pictures of Charlie Cox. Uh oh. Is that a spoiler? Did Marvel announce something? Did he show up in Hawkeye? Even worse, does he show up in the new Spider-Man?

Spider-Man No Way Home is out in theaters now. Harry is going to put on a radiation haz-mat suit and see it in a theater next week. I am not. I will be waiting for it to come to Disney+.

I am now in full Spoiler Avoidance mode for both things. At least Hawkeye we can get out of the way quickly. No Way Home though… I don’t want to know anything, not even a tiny thing. Nothing. lalalalaICantHearYou.

I don’t think they have announced when No Way Home will start streaming. The only thing Google found was sometime in 2022. It’s going to be a long wait, folks. A long wait.

  • Write the post
  • proof read the post
  • publish the post
  • read the post
  • find the grammar error in the post
  • edit the post
  • publish the edited post

Spoiler Free: So Far

Due to Nana sitting coverage last night we were not able to do our weekly Burgers and Marvel night. We have burgers and fries for dinner while watching whatever the newest episode of the current Marvel TV show on Disney+ is. Right now it’s Loki and this week is episode four out of six.

We will remedy the oversight tonight when I get home from Nana sitting and then shortly afterward Harry gets home from his totally kick ass new job (I am literally jealous).

That is all going according to the revised plan, but the revised plan leaves us open to a huge negative (apart from the given negative of me being away from home for 24 hours). What am I talking about?


I still have a couple of hours to go before we watch the new episode so I might be speaking too soon, but as of right now, 5:13pm on Thursday July 1, 2021, I have not had a single spec of the episode spoiled. How did I do this? I stayed away from Tweeter, and I mostly stayed away from BookFayce. I say mostly because lunch time included some surfing around various guitar playing BookFayce groups. One guy posted that he was pissed at the universe because he bought a $150 USB 2.0 cable to use with a USB audio interface, then upgraded to a new USB interface which has the nerve to run on USB C. Really. He was ignoring the massive performance improvement because he spent $150 on a cable that is probably the most obvious example of planned obsolesces in the entire tech industry. Damn… priorities, dude.

Anyway, I have not been spoiled, though now I expect the guy who was looking for sympathy about his obsolete $150 cable that likely had the same performance metrics as a $5.00 cable you could get at any Best Buy will come flying out of the woodwork to fire a cannonade of spoilers right into my idiot face.

Whatever. The theme of this post used to be Loki but now I think it’s run on sentences. Right?

13 minutes to go until I can punch out of work.

Pencil In Car Music for Tomorrow

I have four songs underway this month. They all blow chunks. I thought two of them were useable and two were disasters. I wrote lyrics for one of the better ones today and then tried writing for the second better one, only to realize it was garbage. I then listened to one of the disasters and decided it was awful but not too awful so I wrote lyrics for that one. The other disaster is still a disaster but it’s better than I thought. I tried putting lyrics to that one too but I’m kinda burned out.

So car music tomorrow should happen, even though there are only two songs ready to work on. That should be enough for now.

On a totally unrelated note, I just head that two members of the cast of the show Batwoman posted spoilers today that kinda make me want to catch up on season two. I am so easily lead. Baaaaah, babie. Baaaaaah.

Spoilers Avoided

Okay everyone.  As of last night at about 10:30 or so I have finished watching the season 3 finale of The Walking Dead.  You are all now clear to start talking about it around me.  There is no longer a need for me to protect myself from spoilers.  You may now carry on as normal.

It’s amazing.  I mean I never saw it coming.  Who would have thought that the Governor is actually Rick’s father?

A Dangerous Place

I am in a dangerous place today. I never watch The Walking Dead on broadcast TV. No one else in my house watches it, and I don’t want to cause nightmares for anyone. Therefore I bought the season pass from iTunes. After each episode airs, I can download it and watch it. I generally watch it on my iPad the evening after it airs, just after my beloved wife has gone to sleep.

That leaves me in danger of the dreaded spoiler. Facebook and work are the two places I must be most careful. A quick perusal of the Facebook has not caused any problems yet, but I did notice Wil Wheaton said something about Carl being right, but Carl is always right, isn’t he? A Facebook friend also posted that he was not pleased with the finale. If that’s all the spoiling I get then I will be pleased. Lets hope that no one blows it for me.

But even if someone does blow it for me, I’m still going to watch it tonight. In fact, it’s downloading onto my iPad at this very moment.