Musical Notes for This Week

This is a to do list… read the title… it is a pun, my friends. Get it? I made a pun! It’s punny. It’s puntastic.


The current home recording music project is to take 10 songs from the 2020 Fifty Songs in 90 Days Challenge, edit them, rearrange them, rewrite them, and completely re-record them. When I punched out of work last night I had the 10 songs picked out. One is mixed and finished. Five are completely recorded but still need to be mixed. The other four hadn’t been touched.

Last night while sitting up in bed I took one of them and got as far as finishing the MIDI music bed. Bass, drums, arrangement, song form changes, all done. This morning after I finished today’s errands I cranked out the other three. Now I have four songs ready for rhythm guitars.

Best case scenario is that I track all of the rhythm guitars tomorrow. I work in the office on Monday so nothing is happening then. Tuesday morning before work should be car music where I track all of the vocals. Wednesday is back in the office. Thursday is lead guitars before work. At that point I will have all tracking done for all 10 songs before we leave for Florida.

Yeah. Let’s see if we can pull this off.

Note: It is 99% certain that I will not pull this off. When it comes to the musical planning stage, Robert is not terribly reliable.

Unrelated musical note… one of the reasons my band’s singer quit was because he moved to Maine. He told us yesterday that he’s moved back to the Merrimack Valley. He also mentioned getting “the itch.” Now is that an itch to just have one band practice just for fun, or is it an itch to get back into the band? I don’t know but I am thinking about maybe being hopeful that our singer search could be over. It’s probably not, but if I can’t be optimistic about the Bruins anymore this year, then I’ll be optimistic about this.

New Music

A new David Gilmour single:

A new Deep Purple single:

What do I think? The Purple song is pretty good. It’s the first release with their new guitar player, Simon McBride. I had only ever heard him on an episode of That Pedal Show, but he’s good. Really good. He’s not Ritchie Blackmore. I should not judge him based on the fact that he’s not Ritchie Blackmore. I am a Tommy Bolin fan and when Bolin replaced Blackmore in 1975 most of the Purple fandom shat on him because he isn’t Ritchie Blackmore. I would like to think I would have given him a chance were I paying attention and not four years old so in that spirit I want to give Simon McBride a chance. I gave Steve Morse a chance too, but he’s Steve Freakin’ Morse and he was already an absolute legend when he joined the band back in the 90’s. I saw the Steve Morse Purple live a few times. The guy was shockingly good. This song is okay.

Ian Gillan sounds particularly good here. I’ll wait for the full album release before I decide what I think for reals. I am not sure when it comes out, but it will be called =1, which is a name I probably would have tried to talk them out of if I were their A&R guy, or their producer, or their friend, or their neighbor who they occasionally talk to when we both happen to be outside doing yard work or something.

As for the David Gilmour song… woah. My one fear with his new record is that it sounds like it’s sort of a family band kind of thing. His wife has been his lyricist since the 90’s, but this time around his kids are playing all over the record as well. That sort of thing usually rubs me the wrong way. Other than that one irrational hang up, this song makes me really want this new album. The song is a killer. If it’s any indication of what we’re going to get with the full album then… yeah, bring it on. I want it now. Now!

Rock stars from the 60’s and 70’s who are still getting the job done in the 2020’s. Gilmour is 78 years old. Ian Gillan is 78 years old. Ian Paice is 75. Roger Glover is 78. Don Airey is 75. Simon McBride is 45 so… yeah, he’s younger than me so he doesn’t count for this discussion. Old people rocking. Who would have thought? Keep up the good work, old people. You too, young mister McBride.

2024 RPM Challenge Day 1/29

Every February I try to post daily RPM Challenge updates on a Tumblr page that I set up a thousand years ago and only ever use to try and track daily updates of music projects. Why? Why do I do this? Why do I even keep this Tumblr account? What the hell is wrong with me? 

I find that I post to that page for a week or two and then I fall off and eventually forget all about it. It’s lame. I am lame. You could probably tell that by all the lame posts though, so I don’t expect anyone to be surprised.

Anyway, I posted the day one summary this morning even though I have already done some work on day two today. Whatever. Since I am a content whore I will quote the Tumblr post here because… ya know… reasons. I guess.

The RPM Challenge is underway once again. Will I manage to post daily updates here? Probably not. Oh well.

Day one went really well. I managed to start four songs before I punched into work for the day. Three of them were multiple riffs/changes that I noodled out on guitar. The fourth was just a bass/drum groove that I worked out on my iPhone.

After work I added bass and drum parts (MIDI) and a song form to two of the three ideas that started on guitar. I started adding bass and drums to the third but was unable to finish.

And that is my wrap up for day one. I’ve already done a little work on day two.

Musical Meanderings

There you go. There is my day one summary. I mentioned the morning stuff here yesterday but the after work stuff should be new news.

As for today? I put rhythm guitars (two guitars through two amps each for a total of four tracks) onto song idea number one. I didn’t have time to add them to song idea number two too. Maybe this evening. We’ll see.

155/365 – The two amps are a Fender Bassbreaker 15 and a Vox MV50 Clean. Both are running direct into my USB audio interface.

January Music Goals

Right then. It’s 2024. Enough of that crap that was 2023. Let’s get our shit together and make some music. In February I will dive head first back into the RPM Challenge, but until then what am I going to force upon myself to jump start creativity and make me feel like I can be a musician for a few weeks. 

In other words, what are my musical goals for January 2024? There are three.

First and foremost, we are hoping to start auditioning singers for the cover band. My playing is utter shite right now so I need to get into shape. I need to find out what songs we are going to use for the audition and practice the holy hell out of them. They all used to be second nature but that was almost four years ago. I have to make them second nature again.

Second and second most, my 1979 Gibson ES-335 Pro needs to go into the shop. The same shop my Les Paul Custom spent time in a few months ago. I think it needs new frets, and I think it might need a new wiring harness as well. I need to get things going this month so that the guitar will be available for me to use on February’s RPM Challenge album.

Third and third most, it is time to get back to The Great 2015 Re-Recording Project, where I take old songs from old writing projects and clean them up, edit them, rewrite where necessary, and then record a slightly higher quality version. This project is also known as Quarantine Tunes. There are six Quarantine Tunes albums on my alonetone page. I told myself that I was stopping at six but then about a year and a half ago I started work on volume seven and also sort of started thinking about volume eight. What can I say, I am a nerd about this stuff. Last night I added two more songs to the volume seven to-do list. I plan to spend January working on volume seven and hopefully finishing it. That should put my brain into a good recording and playing space in time for February. 

I am also slightly overwhelmed by a scary compulsion to go out and buy a new guitar. I need to fight that urge. I want a Les Paul Junior or a Firebird, but I don’t need them. Hopefully playing the shit out of the guitars I already own will calm me down on the online shopping front… hopefully… I think.

So there you go. Practice, get the 335 fixed up, and record. My three musical goals for January.

Bring ’em on.

A Good Day for Genesis Fans

Today is a good day for fans of people who used to be in Genesis.

Peter Gabriel’s first album of new original material in 45000 years has finally been released. It’s called i/o. He’s been releasing it one song at a time for the past year, but the whole thing is out now and it’s pretty freakin’ magical. Is it as good as So or his third record? No. It’s good though.

I knew that one was coming, but I didn’t know about this one. Steve Hackett released a single today. It’s called People of the Smoke. I haven’t had a chance to listen to it yet but it’s on my to do list for today. I knew he had an album on the way sometime relatively soon, but I didn’t know there would be a single out today. Excellent!

This coincidence is making me wonder what Anthony Phillips is doing today. I wonder…

New King’s X

King’s X released a new record for the first time in 14 years today. I’m afraid to listen to it. Their music has never let me down (well… Manic Moonlight and Black Like Sunday and parts of Faith Hope Love just plain suck, but for the most part the statement holds) but lyrically… oh brother. I can handle the christianity, but when the christianity leans into conservative politics well… puke. There was a solo album that came out not long ago that had one song that made me so mad I never listened to the album again. I pretend it doesn’t exist. There’s also that one fucking song on Faith Hope Love… you know the one. I wanted to smack the three of them for that one. Right in their faces.

Now… given the current climate… if they go political on this record it’s going to color everything and I may never give them another listen again. This is one of my all time favorite bands, and I fear I am going to get so pissed off at them that I’ll never listen to them again. That’s how nervous I am about listening to this record.

And yet I am compelled to listen. The three of them together… they are just too insanely good to ignore. I have to at least give them the chance to let me down.

Okay… I’m listening. I have to admit that I am doing my best not to focus on the lyrics. My first listen is just for the killer playing and the insanely good melodies and harmonies. Fingers crossed.

Hey, can I embed an Apple Music album into

I guess not. Maybe I’ll try again later with Tidal. Not spotify though. Fuck those assholes.

ADDENDUM: I’ve listened through it twice. It’s good. I still haven’t let myself dig into the lyrics, but the grooves on a few songs are sick like you’ve always dreamed of.

My one surprise: Three Jerry songs? There have only been three Jerry songs in the entire catalog, I think, and here we have three more? The first Jerry song is on Faith Hope Love and it’s the worst song on a not very good album, by far. The second is on Ear Candy and it’s the worst song they had recorded to date. Hell, it might still be the worst song they’ve done. The third was on… XV? I think? Or was it on Ogre Tones? It’s a great song. It’s an absolute killer. He did a solo album too, and that album is pretty good. Now we have three more Jerry songs. Two of them are pretty good. The third isn’t bad, it’s just kinda forgettable.

Also, one song has some old fashioned Dug screaming. I think it’s been a long time since Dug just let it rip like that. I bet it hurt. I bet he couldn’t speak for a week after recording that track.

Also, also, there are only a couple of guitar solos that grabbed me. Ty might be backing off a smidge on this one. His playing is great though, as always. His voice… now this is not a criticism, it is only a comment and it’s not meant to be good or bad it’s just something I noticed… I think he’s starting to sound… old? You know how a lot of vocalists hit a certain age and you can kind of hear it? Jerry’s like that. Dug is 150 years old (approximately) and he still sounds like he’s 25. Prior to this I would have said the same about Ty (except maybe he’s 90 years old instead of 150… something like that) but not really anymore. Also, is his accent thicker? Weird. He’s a friggin’ god though, so if he wants to sound his age then more power to him.

And that is my very dumb review on the new King’s X album. Go listen to it… or maybe I should say Go Tell Somebody*.

*Yes, you’ve guessed it. King’s X once recorded a song called Go Tell Somebody. You see what I did there?

Envy of None

Go. Now. Make this a part of your life.

Not being much of a synth-pop guy, when I listen to this I think of some of the Smashing Pumpkins stuff that Flood produced, or maybe some of the post-Actung Baby electronic stuff U2 did. Wait… wasn’t that Flood too? Or was that Brian Eno? I don’t know. I heard an interview with Andy Curran where he said it sounds like Depeche Mode or The Cure. That works too.

So there I am, listening for the first time and really enjoying it purely on a holy-shit-this-hook-is-infectious level. I wasn’t hearing any stand out guitar parts, but I knew that was coming. Alex Lifeson (as well as everyone else involved in the album) has made a big deal out of the fact that he’s playing the guitar without ever sounding like a guitar. He’s basically a guitar synth player rather than just a guitar player. Then you get to Spy House, track five, and there’s a stretch of about four bars where he just shreds like the Guitar God he is, and then it’s back to synthy stuff.

I imagine Robert Fripp and Adrian Belew sitting in a room together listening. They both nod their head in approval. Then they look at each other and nod their heads in agreement. Then they look over at Alex Lifeson and nod in solidarity. Yeah. I’m 100% sure that exact thing happened.

No go and listen to it.

Envy of None

I don’t think I realized how much I needed this.

Sure it’s not Rush. There will never be new Rush. Even if they spend the next 50 years slowly but surely emptying the vaults, there will never actually be new Rush. Why? Because the universe sucks, that’s why. This, though… when you listen to this and hear a guitar, or a sound that doesn’t sound like a guitar but was actually played on a guitar, what you are likely hearing is Alex Lifeson.

I very much needed this.

Music Discovery

I miss having a proven source for discovering new music. It used to be radio and MTV (urgh), then in the mid-90’s (for me at least) it was late nights in bars in Boston. That was the heyday for me as far as finding music that was in a separate world from the charts and the land of commercial music. It was glorious.

Eventually it ran out of gas though. Well, truth be told I was the one who ran out of gas. The idea of driving home from T.T. the Bear’s place in Cambridge at 2am started to lose it’s appeal, and musical trips into town became something saved for special occasions (ie: Mission of Burma).

In 2008 I was looking for a site to use to host my attempt at the RPM Challenge and I ended up on both Virb and Alonetone. Both sites lead me to a slew of bands and artist that I otherwise never would have found. Many of those acts still have me waiting with baited breath for the next release even though most of them were very far removed from my usual musical comfort zone. Folk rock became a thing for me, as well as lots of acoustic singer/songwriters (usually women), and dare I say it… some electronic music (for shame, Robert!).

Since then? Eh… not much. I did what I did back in high school when hair metal made me want to claw my eyes out in disgust. I went back in time and found things that have been overlooked. That has resulted in a recent obsession with Richard Thompson, and to a slightly lesser extent Sandy Denny.

But new music? Again, not so much.

This year I am resolved to change that. I don’t know how, but it’s a New Year and resolutions are all the rage. I am going to search the interwebs for music made by people I have never heard of before in the hopes of finding a new musical obsession or two. Or three. Or 100. I might start with the mountain of best music of 2014 blog posts that have been popping up world wide over the last few weeks. After that? I don’t know. Not spotify, or beats, or any of that. I don’t want to be spoon fed the way we were back in the radio and MTV days (urgh). I want to discover, not be marketed to.

I’ll let you know how it goes.