Now What?

It finally happened today. After over a year’s worth of effort the Great X-Files Rewatch Adventure finally came to an end.

I finished season 11. 11 seasons and two movies and the rewatch is complete.

Now what?

Part of me wants to go back to Star Trek. Jen and I started watching Voyager. I already rewatched Deep Space Nine. the original series and The Next Generation have both been rewatched numerous times in the past. Do I want to rewatch one of those again? Maybe. I don’t know. Enterprise? I don’t know. I was really not liking that show in the last year or so. Maybe I should give it another try?

Maybe I’ll poke around Netflix looking for some science fiction and if I don’t find anything that jumps out at me I’ll give Enterprise another look.

I’ll let you know.

Sleep and Spoilers

I did something I rarely do. I let myself sleep late on a work day. Not too late, but later than usual.

The last few nights I have had the worst sleep. Barely five hours on Sunday and Monday nights. Less than five hours on Tuesday night. I was practically in a coma for much of the day yesterday. I needed sleep so badly.

Last night? Almost seven hours. Still not enough sleep, but so much more than I’ve been getting. Bliss. I usually set an alarm on my watch for 5:00am. Jen has an alarm set for a half an hour after that, but I am usually down cellar exercising before her alarm goes off.

Today? I slept until a little after 6:00. It meant I was running behind throughout my entire morning routine, but it was worth it. I’ll still probably be asleep on my feet by around 7:00pm tonight, but for now? I feel a little better.

Okay then, part two of this post is going to deal with Star Wars: The Acolyte and it is ABSOLUTELY SPOILER FILLED. If you haven’t watched the show, bail out now. I have two stupid comments that are burning a hole in my tiny little brain and I have to get them out and THEY ARE SPOILERS so you have been warned.

Seriously… if you want to watch the show and you haven’t yet, get out now.

You have been warned… again…

Last warning…

Okay. So this is the same comment made twice. Once is me being a snob, the other is me getting mine.

Before the show aired, people online were over the moon about Carrie-Anne Moss playing Jedi Master Indara. People who’ve read the High Republic books and/or comics were all excited about what a bad ass warrior Indara is and how viewers were going to be over the moon at how awesome she is. Also… it’s freakin’ Carrie-Anne Moss. People were foaming at the mouth over having such an awesome actor in the cast.

Episode one… the first scene… Carrie-Anne Moss as Jedi Master Indara in a lightsaber fight. This is it! Here it comes… oh… she’s dead… oh.

I laughed out loud knowing that the internet would be turned on its ear over that scene. People were going to be pissed and it made me happy. Screw your expectations! Take that, know it all book readers! I was just tickled.

Fast forward to episode five. The episode was awesome. They saved up a whole season’s worth of action scenes and threw them all in our face at once. Just fight after fight after fight. It was fantastic. When Jedi Padawan Jecki Lon started fighting our dark side bad guy, the action was incredible. I was watching on my laptop and I thought to myself, if they want to do a spin off show where this kid just fights everyone, I will be totally, 100% on board… oh… she’s dead… oh… I guess that’s what I get for laughing at the Indara fans… Okay… I totally got what was coming to me. Serves me right for being snobby about people being snobby. Lesson learned, Acolyte. Lesson learned.

Okay, the spoilers have ended. You may go on with the rest of your day now. Thanks for letting me get that off my chest. I appreciate your patience.

Dark Matter

I just finished watching Dark Matter on AppleTV+. I really enjoyed it.

It’s weird. They ran a show called Constellation that centered on the idea of a multiverse and people swapping between parallel universes. That show was okay but it was a little confusing and they never really spelled out the hows or whys or even the whats. Apparently that show was cancelled after it’s one season.

Almost immediately after Constellation ended, Dark Matter came out. Nine episodes focusing on the idea of the multiverse and people swapping between parallel universes. The difference between the two shows? Simple. Constellation was okay. Dark Matter was excellent. At times it was riveting. Just when you thought you had your brain wrapped around it, BAM so new piece of information that turned everything upside down. It was just really good.

Will there be a season two? I don’t think so. The show was based on a book (and you can bet your sweet ass that the book is on my reading list now) and I believe the entire book was covered. They could always come up with some new issue for our main characters to deal with, but I don’t know. I think we’ve gotten all we’re getting.

If that’s the case and the show is a one and done… then it was really well done and I’m glad I watched it all the way through.

If you like science fiction and good TV, and you have an AppleTV+ subscription… check it out.

Know What Sucks?

I made it through the episode of House of the Dragon (HotD) without falling asleep. Probably because it was riveting. That’s all the review you get out of me. This is a spoiler free zone. You’re welcome.

Now that the episode is over I can shift my focus onto something that seriously sucks. What to know what that is? Want to know what sucks?

Tomorrow is Monday. The weekend is over. That sucks.

It’s 10:41pm. My alarm is set for 5:00am. That sucks.

The good news is that the project for work that I needed to get done by last Friday was done on time. That’s nice. There is nothing hanging over my head when the work day starts tomorrow. That doesn’t suck.

My two days in the office this coming week will be Tuesday and Wednesday. Tuesday will start in Foxborough. That sucks.

Want to know something that’s crazy and unbelievable? Well, crazy and unbelievable for me at least? I am less than three weeks away from the 20th anniversary of me starting to work at the company I work for. It’s going to be my 20th hire-aversary. That doesn’t suck, but it is crazy.

Okay. I am going to spend a few minutes watching film photography YouTube channels and then I am going to sleep, if I can.

Have a good night, everyone. Talk to you in the mornin’.

2nd Intermission

After two periods, Edmonton leads 3-0. There’s still plenty of time to blow it. Stay strong, hockey fans who hate the Panthers.

Bring us that game seven, Oilers. Hold that lead.

I just finished the season finale of Doctor Who. It was so good. It was so very good. I’m going to have to watch it again because I am really tired and I might have missed a few seconds here and there. Over all though? It was so good.

1st Intermission

The Oilers have a 1-0 lead over the Panthers after one period. They are dick teasing me. We all know that, right? Ugh.

My stomach played nicely today. Good job, surgically redesigned stomach pouch. Everything was very predictable. My hunger pains hit me right on schedule. Also, I didn’t over eat at the end of the work day and ruin dinner. Good job, Robbie’s little pouch thing.

Want to know what did ruin dinner? Just before 8:00 I had a bite of potato. The roasted potatoes we had tonight tasted AMAZING, but that last bite got stuck. Trigger the foamies. Trigger a little nausea. It’s been an hour and fifteen minutes and it doesn’t seem to have cleared yet. I still feel like that last bite of potato is stuck. I was able to cough some of it up, but clearly not all of it.

Damn it.

Okay. It’s after 9:00. I should be clear to watch the season finale of Doctor Who now. I have a little spit-up cup next to me (TMI), I have a gamecast of the hockey game from open, and I need to do something to distract myself from my stomach pouch whatever it is. Doctor Who should do the trick.

Further updates will be provided. Come on, Oilers. Hold that lead, you sick little monkeys.

Another Wednesday

It’s Wednesday. I’m back in the office. You don’t care, but I want to write about something… anything… so here we are.

Today is Juneteenth. I completely forgot. When the state first established today as a holiday we got it off. Less than a year later our company turned most of the non-national holidays into floating holidays so now we don’t get today off. It was just another day for me except that there was no traffic on the highways this morning. From my house to my office, 43 miles, took 46 minutes. Why couldn’t every commute be this easy? While having the day off would have been great, I will take this as the next best thing… sort of.

I failed to get six hours of sleep again last night. My watch tells me I got 5:45 but my heart rate numbers were pretty spectacular. Hopefully that means I won’t be too completely exhausted again today. Just mildly completely exhausted. I still haven’t hooked up my CPAP machine since coming back from Florida a few weeks ago. I think my sleep numbers (assuming my watch pulls accurate data) are implying that using the machine won’t make much of a difference. I should probably use it anyway. Maybe there will be a placebo effect or something and I won’t be quite as tired after a short night’s sleep. I don’t know.

The Oilers won last night. Yippee. Well… that’s being mean. I am glad they won. Not because I expect them to dig out of a three games to none series hole, but because it literally extended the NHL season. If they are going to lose on me and prove that I suck at picking the outcome of NHL playoff series’, then the least they can do is lose in seven games so we get our money’s worth, right?

As for the Red Sox, they have won four in a row including two wins against the first place Yankees. Glorious. I saw a post on social media where someone said that this streak proves they will not only make the playoffs, but advance to the American League Championship Series. I laughed out loud. No, let me be more specific… I laughed out loud for a long, long time. They are four games above .500. They are in third place in the division, 11.5 games behind the first place (and thoroughly evil) Yankees. They are two games out of the wild card. Oh yeah, it is June. Yeah… they are better than I thought they would be, but they are still pretty clearly mediocre. They might sneak into the wild card, but I am not holding my breath. If you’re expecting the Red Sox to do anything better than middle of the pack, then you haven’t been paying attention. No. They will not make it to the ALCS. If they do, I will happily eat my words, but I won’t have to because there’s no chance. This is the way. I have spoken.

I watched last night’s new episode of Star Wars: The Acolyte. There has been so much hate spewed at this show. Most of it rooted in sexism and racism rather than the story or anything to do with it. I’ve enjoyed the show so far and I am looking forward to seeing where it goes. I’m on for the ride, as the saying goes. Last night though… episode four… I finally had something that I didn’t like. What was it? The running time was less than 30 minutes. Come on, Star Wars. We need more than that from our weekly episodes. We need more to sink our teeth into. These episodes should be more like 45-60 minutes, right? We need that content, folks. We need it! Star Wars, babie! Give us more!

This is the way.

I have spoken.

What was I talking about?


Doctor Who Fail (Spoilers Ahead)

This post might have some mild spoilers for last night’s episode of Doctor Who titled The Legend of Ruby Sunday.

You have been warned. I will try to keep things as vague as possible but you might be able to put two and two together so if you’re planning to watch the episode and want to go in without any outside influence, now is the time to leave this page.

Okay? You all right with reading this?

Last warning…


I failed. Epically. Just… embarassingly.

I watched the episode last night after having binged the full 60 years worth of the show (except for the early episodes that don’t exist anymore. I watched recreations of those but not the actual aired episodes). I enjoyed the whole series from start to finish and thought I was prepared for any call backs or easter eggs or whatever.

Last night they finally revealed who the big bad was for the current season and it included a direct reference to a villain from a series that aired in late 1975…

…and I failed to make the connection! I didn’t remember the story AT ALL. What a loser. What a failure. I am going to have to give back my nerd membership card now, aren’t I. Ugh. I suck at being a fanboy. I just suck out loud.

Now I have to go back to season 13 and rewatch the 4th Doctor serial Pyramids of Mars, and I have to do it before next week’s season finale airs on Friday night.

Jerk. Loser. Nerd-failure.