Hockey Tease

The Oilers lost the first three games of the Stanley Cup Final series to the Panthers, virtually guaranteeing the Cup will go to Florida.

Then in game four, the Oilers won in a blow out. Tonight, in game five, the Oilers are up 4-2 after two periods.

If you were wondering what the hockey equivalent of a dick tease felt like, then know that this is it.

Even if the Oilers win tonight, there is still virtually no chance of them coming all the way back to win the Stanley Cup. They are just trying to give me a little hope so that Florida can crush my dreams the way they did when the eliminated my Bruins, both this year’s playoffs and last year’s playoffs.

Sure, I am happy the Oilers are winning in game five. It’s just going to make it more painful when they eventually lose.

In other news, the Red Sox beat Toronto again tonight. That’s four wins in a row for my home town team. I’ll take that.

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