It’s a Hot One Out There

The heatwave has arrived. It’s 93 degrees outside. Wait, don’t you have to be over 90 for three days to officially rank as a heatwave? So maybe it’s more correct to say that the potential heatwave has arrived. Whatever.

I still have the windows open in my little office space. My Nest app is telling me that it’s 81 degrees in this room and 76 degrees in the living room. It’s definitely warm enough to approach being uncomfortable, but given that since losing weight I find myself really cold all the time… it’s kinda nice right now. For the first time in months I don’t feel cold at all. Not even a little bit.

I just got a public safety alert on my phone. Looks like the 9-1-1 service is down for the entire state of Massachusetts. Here’s hoping none of my neighbors need to call for emergency services any time soon. It would suck to dial 9-1-1 and get a busy signal or some sort of error message.

Similar to yesterday, I am still exhausted. I failed to get six hours of sleep yet again last night, though I only missed it by about five minutes this time. I’m really tired. Really, really tired.

Three hours left in the work day. Fingers crossed I can make it through in one piece. Also, fingers crossed we don’t melt in the heat today, and fingers crossed we don’t need to call for an emergency service. Hang in there, Massachusetts.

2 thoughts on “It’s a Hot One Out There

  1. I’ve called 911 and gotten a busy signal, a few times! It wasn’t down… just life in a metropolis. A couple times, I’ve had to keep calling back because the pploolice nevet showed up. It worked out great one time… as I was saying, “no, I haven’t seen a weapon, but he’s getting increasingly aggitated”, the police finally pulled up as the guy got out of his car with a baseball bat. Immediately arrested… yay!!

  2. Ps: Sorry you’re in a heatwave on the east coast. I know it’s hot here (SoCal), inland, but we still have marine layer near the beach and temps are staying below 80. It will 100+ soon enough, and for months.

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