Father’s Day So Far

Jen and I went to lunch today with my father and my siblings and their families. It was very nice to have everyone together. I took a couple of pictures on film so I’ll probably find out if they came out or not in a few years. You know how film is.

Bellana and Harry are out with their dad right now. They will eventually be coming to our house for dinner. Harry goes back to Vermont tomorrow, but Bellana is going to stay with us for a couple of days. Each of them being here for a few days is the best gift ever. I’m very happy to see them, whenever I get to see them.

Here’s a few random camera phone pics from throughout the day so far.

I ran a couple of errands this morning. One of them was topping off the gas tank in the car. Obligatory gas station pics:

Do cats celebrate Father’s Day too? Is Robin watching through the window, waiting for her dad to show up? Probably not.

Our neighbors might not be having the best Father’s Day. I thought I saw one of the firemen holding a carbon monoxide detector. I’m guessing they didn’t find anything as the truck was only there for about 10 minutes. Here’s hoping all is well for our neighbors across the road. Fingers crossed.


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