Backyard Violence Redux

This time it was a chipmunk.

The hawk came back! Or, a different hawk came around. Whichever it was, I was sitting at my desk eating some lunch (a little Purdue chicken patty and a handful of frozen French fries, all heated up in the air fryer) and I heard another bang outside of my window. I looked out and there was the/a Red Tail Hawk. It was holding what was left of a chipmunk. I couldn’t see it clearly through the dirty window screen and with my reading glasses on, but I could see it well enough to notice that a big strip of the little rodent had been removed. Ouch town, population Alvin/Simon/Theodore. There will be no hoola hoop for xmas this year. Yikes!

The hawk sat on the grass in front of my window for just a second or two and then flew off. See you later, bro.

Such violence. Such brutality on display. Hawks are freakin’ awesome!

Backyard Violence

I just saw some backyard wild kingdom violence. Well… it was mostly over by the time I looked outside, but I saw a little of the aftermath.

I have the window open in my home office room. I heard a bang outside followed by lots of angry bird noise. I looked outside and…

…right in front of my window was a hawk standing on the ground eating a fresh kill. I think the fresh kill was a sparrow. It was tough to say. I thought maybe a chipmunk at first but it was definitely a small bird. I reached for my phone to take a picture but the hawk and it’s lunch flew away into the woods.

I guess we’ll have to settle for a cat photo as my photo a day shot.


This was taken before the murder. Robin had left by the time the horror went down.

What the Hell?

I thought the situation was a confused mess before.

A store robbery, a dead MIT cop, a car jacking, a shot transit cop, a shootout in Watertown, a locked down neighborhood, a dead suspect, explosive devices thrown at cops.

All while we slept snug in our beds about 30 miles to the North.

Lets hope the police can get the other guy before he hurts anyone else.