What is Wrong with Me?

Motivation… I just can’t…

What is wrong with me?

I keep coming up with ideas for creative things to do and I keep failing to do them. I can’t even get myself to start them, never mind finish them. What the hell, Robert?

Did I get up early and go to the ocean to take pictures? No, of course not. Don’t be fucking ridiculous. I slept three hours past the alarm. Of course I did.

DoI play the guitar every day? Do I play the guitar once a week? Don’t be stupid.

Did I plant peanuts? Did I make sugar free ice cream? Am I going to do either? Don’t be stupid, of course not.

Literally the only thing I can bring myself to do as far as projects are concerned is watch the fucking television. I’d say I was going to melt my brain but clearly it’s already been completely liquified.

One thought on “What is Wrong with Me?

  1. I’m feeling the same. I had planned to attend today’s Cat Rescuer meeting (I missed the last 2) but now … staying home sounds so much nicer!!

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