Not Today

Daily writing prompt
Write about a time when you didn’t take action but wish you had. What would you do differently?

Sorry, dear readers, but I gots nothin’ for this one. Not only can I not think of anything I could share, I can’t think of anything too personal that I wouldn’t share even if it answered the question. I literally cannot come up with anything for this at all.

Everything I have done in my life has lead me to where I am today. I like where I am today. I am happy and in a good place. I am surrounded by good people and I have a family who (for some unimaginable reason) loves me. I would not have done anything in my life any differently as that would risk changing where I ended up… and I would never want to do that.

Life is good, even if the Bruins did lose game two to the Maple Leafs last night.

4 thoughts on “Not Today

  1. I am new to posting and responding from these platforms. And I couldn’t figure out how to like your response so I’m going to respond here.
    I loved your answer to this question. I resonated with it in almost all of its entirety. So thank you for that. I was really struggling to find one as well. While I know I have plenty of experiences that I could answer this question with, but I too cannot conjure up one thought. Your response helps bring it all together for me. The, where I’m at now, and how I am so blessed to have so many loved ones who are still standing with me after my many years of hardship, addiction and struggles. But like you said, without it all, I couldn’t be standing in the happiest place I’ve ever been since childhood. Or maybe even ever. Not where I want to be yet, but I am never going to stop expanding, evolving and growing to my next highest level. I only strive the best the best version of myself I can be these days.
    So thank you for helping Me, answer this question in a way that makes sense for me. 💜🙏☮️

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