Pop Genesis

I don’t remember this, but the Instagram and Threads account for the band Genesis posted this today.

On this day in 1986 Genesis and four of it’s five “classic period” members were all in the US Billboard top 40 at the same time.

Genesis was at 37 with Invisible Touch. Not the worst piece of shit in their 80’s pop period, but definitely on the short list.

Steve Hackett’s band GTR, which also included Yes guitarist Steve Howe, was at 35 with When the Heart Rules the Mind.

Peter Gabriel was at 32 with Sledgehammer.

Phil Collins was at 26 with Take Me Home which is a song I completely forgot existed but I guess was a thing.

Mike Rutherford’s mostly awful pop side project Mike and the Mechanics was at number five with pretty awful All I Need is a Miracle.

Five Genesis and Genesis adjacent songs on the top 40 at the same time. It’s not like that week where The Beatles had something like six songs on the top 10 at the same time, but it’s pretty cool.

If only the five songs were… you know… better songs. Why couldn’t the Genesis song been Tonight Tonight Tonight, and the GTR song been Imagining, and the Peter Gabriel song been In Your Eyes (or This is the Picture, or Don’t Give Up, or Red Rain, or Mercy Street), and the Mike and the Mechanics song been… ummm… that one song that I didn’t hate… Silent Running, or something like that… and the Phil Collins song been something that wasn’t awful and completely forgettable which I am not sure was possible in 1986. When did I Don’t Care No More come out? That was long before ’86, wasn’t it?

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