Antique Store Wrap Up

I mentioned that we went to an antique store yesterday. I was hoping to maybe find some old camera gear. I saw a grand total of four cameras. One was digital so it doesn’t count. One was a Ricoh film camera that looked like it was probably from the 1990’s. I didn’t know anything about it so I passed. There were two really old cameras. The Kodak Autographic Jr that I posted yesterday. I was really interested in that one but I wanted to dig into it a bit first. That was a good move. They don’t make the film it uses anymore. Bummer. You can get adapters that let you use 120 film but that is a smidge above my interest level at this point. The fourth camera was a Kodak Brownie from the 1950’s that was interesting too, but looking into that told me what I was already pretty sure of. They don’t make the film that camera uses either. Oh well. Maybe next time.

There was this though…

That would look fantastic in our living room, don’t you think?

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