Sustainability Again

Are there things you try to practice daily to live a more sustainable lifestyle?

Daily Writing Prompt

Right then, let us play this goofy game one more time.

Here is my response to this question from last year:

I’ve only been playing this daily prompt game for a few days, and since jumping on the wagon there haven’t been any questions that required any thought, or made me want to… you know… write anything. Now we have one and the theme is going to be shame.

I am going to have to turn in my hippy membership card after this one because up until recently I haven’t really lived my life in a way that could be in any way considered sustainable. The only exception being driving a car with a hybrid engine. Sometimes. Also, that’s only been a part of my life for a few years now. We have two cars in our household an one is a hybrid. The other… very much isn’t. It gets okay gas mileage but nothing to write home about. I drive a lot and when I am covering any notable distance I drive the hybrid. Other than that…

Until recently I never recycled. I produce what feels like a lot of waste. We order food for delivery more than we should and that always comes with tons of packaging that goes into the trash. Plastic, Styrofoam, the works. Fortunately for the Earth, my city sort of forced recycling upon us not long ago. They instituted automated trash pick up and issued a trash barrel and a recycling barrel to each residence. That put me onto the recycling wagon so when it comes to sustainability, I am pleased with myself for adding that to my personal list, but still disappointed with myself for making it to my 50’s before getting on that particular bus.

So I guess I am doing a couple of things to be sustainable now. I just feel like I should have been doing it a lot longer than I have. I seriously doubt I would make any difference, as my hippy self is often overpowered by my much more insistent cynical self, but as a proud bleeding heart liberal my lack of sustainable habits have always been a major source of hypocrisy.

I’m doing better now though. I will continue to do better in the future. I promise.

Link to last year

And now let’s have Google Gemini write a comment, just for goofy fun:

The writer is grappling with the theme of shame through the lens of sustainability. Here are some points to consider in your comment:

  • Relatable struggle: Many people can identify with the internal conflict between wanting to be eco-friendly and falling short due to convenience or ingrained habits.
  • Humor and self-deprecation: The use of phrases like “turn in my hippy membership card” and “bleeding heart liberal” adds a touch of humor while acknowledging the hypocrisy the writer feels.
  • Progress over perfection: Even though the writer feels they should have started sooner, they acknowledge the positive steps they’ve taken and their commitment to continuing to improve.

You could offer encouragement for their efforts or share your own experiences with sustainable living.

And finally, let’s ask Google Gemini to generate an image based on last year’s post and see what kind of monstrosity it dreams up.

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