48 Years to Go

Daily writing prompt
Write a letter to your 100-year-old self.

This one is dumb. Why would I write a letter to my future self? My future self would know everything I wrote about before I wrote it. Writing to your past self is an interesting exercise because your past self does not know what went down in the intervening time. Writing to the future? I guess you can argue that it is a time capsule. It works on that level. I guess. Oh well.

Hey, 100 year old me, it’s 52 year old me. Remember when you wrote this? We just had the kitchen remodeled. I hope the new cabinets and counters lasted a good long time. I hope you didn’t have to do it again, at least not too soon. How is Jen doing? How are the kids doing? If it is May 8, 2071 then Bellana is about to turn 70 and Harry is 68. I assume one of them is President by now, right? That assumption being on top of the assumption that We the People were able to do something about those pesky fascists who are trying to take over, of course. There is so much I want you to tell me about but you can’t because this silly exercise is not a two way street. I mean my future is a much more interesting topic than your past, right? Are they still making Star Wars movies and shows? Are they still as good as Andor? What about Star Trek? Still as good as Strange New Worlds?

There. I’ll send that off in the post, Back to the Future style.

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